Web-Based Technology for Student Support Services in ODL System: Experiments of Regional Centre Jaipur
Open and Distance Learning (ODL), Student Support Services (SSS), Learning Management System (LMS), Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), Web based TechnologiesAbstract
Web-based technology emerged as a powerful means of
learning in today’s world. It is not just limited to classroom process.
It has extended beyond the four walls of classroom to facilitate and
promote student support services in the ODL system. Management
of learning efficiency depends upon the quality of student support
services. Quality of student support services can be made meaningful
with adaptation of web-based technology. Utilization of the potential
capabilities and strength of technology in ODL system is the real
need of the hour. Technology mediated student support system has
multiplier effort for providing better access, quality and equality. It’s
a challenge to make it learner friendly and a means to spread digital
literacy among all learners. IGNOU is emerged as a leader in the
field of ODL system in terms of bringing innovations in designing and
developing technology enabled learning environment. We have a long
way to go in terms of effective and efficient implementation of webbased
technology for having an appropriate Learning Management
System (LMS) in ODL system. This demands capacity building of
all functionaries to adapt to new technology. IGNOU Regional Centre
(RC) Jaipur took a major initiative to experiment utilization of webbased
technology to bring a revolution in LMS by effective and
efficient integration of technology. The following specific technology
mediated features are integrated with student support services of RC
Jaipur to address the issues of access, equity and quality of
implementation of programmes through ODL mode and bringing
efficiency in routine office management system of RC & Learning
Centres in the region.
1) Online Quick Contact: Asynchronous Learners Query
Management System,
2) Online Confirmation of Admission and Re-Registration,
3) Online Study Material Tracking System,
4) Online Monthly Monitoring Report: A mechanism of academic
monitoring and monitoring of administrative and financial activities
of Learner Support Centres (LSCs),
5) Online Processing of Bills and Vouchers of Finance and Accounts
Section of LSCs: A mechanism to bring accuracy and
transparency in financial management.
The present paper is an attempt to explain the potentials of web based
experiments of RC Jaipur to facilitate LMS as well as developing
transparency in academic administration and management. It would
help us to think of bringing a systemic revolution in ODL system in
our country.