A Feedback Study on Design and Facilitation of E-learning Courses: A MOOC in SWAYAM


  • G. Mythili
  • R. R. Ramanujam


MOOC, SWAYAM, Instructional Strategies, Design and Development


Learning is a continuous process that enhances value throughout the career of an academic engaged in any mode of education.Rapid growth of internet and information communication technologies (ICTs) facilitates for developing online courses in the education sector which has the potential to scale up the provision and thus overcome number of limitations characterized by the existing modes of offering educational programmes. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) fulfill the demand and requirements of massive enrolment in education, training and skills development. In India, the Ministry of Human Resource Development has developed a portal for MOOCs which is called SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds). IGNOU is one of the national coordinators to offer MOOCs which lead to earn credits for diplomas and certificates from a host of Indian universities. IGNOU has designed and developed a MOOC on Design and Facilitation of e-learning Courses which is offered through SWAYAM platform since 2017. After completing this course, the successful participants were expected to design and develop E-learning courses or MOOCs in their areas of interest. The objectives of this paper are to describe the design and development of the said course and to present the perceptions of the participants about the course. A majority of participants expressed satisfaction about various components of the course. Some have given suggestions for its further improvement. Participants felt that there is a need to focus more on interactivity among the coordinators and the peer groups.


G. Mythili

Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, India

R. R. Ramanujam

Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, India

